
About Arek

arek-21Hi and thanks for visiting! My name is Arek. I am a yoga teacher, meditator and a soul on a spiritual path, just like you. My journey to spiritual awakening took me through many schools of thought and traditions but one constant thread weaving through all the major traditions is their emphasis on practice of meditation in one form or another. In meditation we go beyond the everyday mind and connect directly with our Source. You can call it God if you prefer.. or the Universe. We are never separate from this energy but busy lives and busy minds cause us to move away from our center and sometimes forget our connection. Meditation is one of the quickest and surest ways to find our way back to our Source. Meditation is a lifestyle, meditation is a state of being. My hope is that resources, techniques and practices I have to share with you, will be helpful in igniting your own practice and help you experience deeper states of bliss and meditation.

If you’d like to learn more about meditation and learn special meditative techniques and practices to help you attain a greater peace within, please visit my website at www.practicingpresence.com

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